Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

All about plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that can affect people of all ages, especially those who practise sports or spend long hours on their feet. Here, Mr David Redfern, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in foot and ankle problems, delves into the details of plantar fasciitis, exploring its underlying causes, main symptoms, and wide range of treatment modalities.

Radiotherapy for knee osteoarthritis

Radiotherapy for knee osteoarthritis involves low-dose radiation targeting the knee joint, which reduces pain and inflammation and improve function and mobility. This treatment can offer symptomatic relief when other conservative measures fail. Here to explain more is distinguished specialist and clinical oncologist Dr Richard Shaffer, who discusses how radiotherapy can alleviate pain caused by knee osteoarthritis.

Physiotherapy for knee arthritis: A closer look

Living with knee osteoarthritis can be tough, making it essential to find effective ways to manage the condition. One potential solution under consideration is physiotherapy. In his latest online article, Mr Muhammad Adeel Akhtar takes a closer look at the practical aspects of how physiotherapy might help in slowing down the progression of knee osteoarthritis, tailoring approaches for individuals, improving daily functions, and how it compares to other treatments.

Same-day knee replacement: A new approach to surgery

Orthopaedic surgery continually evolves, and innovations like day case knee arthroplasty are changing how knee conditions are managed. This outpatient approach allows patients to undergo knee replacement surgery and return home on the same day, offering convenience, potential cost savings, and faster recovery times. In this online article, we get an insight into the practical benefits and considerations of day case knee arthroplasty.

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