Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Smile Makeover: the way to perfecting

A smile makeover is exactly what it says. It's changing your smile, improving your smile in a way that makes you happy. It can be anything ranging from conventional braces, clear aligners, or composite bonding, which changes the shape, colour or shade of your teeth. You could also choose porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns. All of these are different options when it comes to a smile makeover.

Smile Designing with Ceramic Veneers: What is involved in the process?

Smile design is a state-of-the-art technique in cosmetic dentistry that allows a patient to virtually see the final result (that is, their dental smile) – before having started the treatment itself. Here, Dr Shravan Chawla, renowned aesthetic, biomimetic and restorative dentist, provides a detailed insight into smile design with the use of ceramic veneers.

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