Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

On the slippery slope to burnout? Climb your way back to optimum health

Our mental health stays with us wherever we go, including at work. Burnout in our places of employment is becoming a condition that's increasingly reported and people are beginning to recognise how overwhelmed they are in their jobs. Leading psychologist and coach Dr Catherine Sykes is here to offer her expertise on work-related burnout in this informative article.

Discovering what therapy can offer you

It's good news that a positive outlook to mental health is becoming part of the wider consciousness, encouraging those wanting to make therapy a priority. However, especially if people have never utilised it before, they may have questions about what therapy involves. Dr Nicky Kimber-Rogal, a top chartered psychologist and psychotherapist, provides Top Doctors with an expert guide to what may be involved, particularly regarding workplace issues, couples counselling and mental health issues. Read on to find out more.

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