Bespoke Dental Fulham

Bespoke Dental Fulham 02033756076 Ground Floor, 275 New Kings Rd, London
5 5 1 7
(7) valoraciones verificadas

La clínica dental es especialista en

Estética dental Odontología restauradora compleja Rellenos faciales Restauración dental Implantología Periodoncia Ortodoncia invisible Empaste dental

Por qué es una clínica dental de primer nivel

Bespoke Dental Fulham is a multidisciplinary, specialist dental practice located in Fulham, London. The practice offers patients the highest quality of treatment and care in a welcoming and comfortable clinic environment.

Bespoke Dental Fulham, which started operating last year, is nothing short of a haven for patients seeking streamlined dental treatment. The practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed with a team of highly talented and experienced dental professionals.

The practice is led by Dr Millie Argyriadou, a highly experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist with over 20 years of experience. Dr Argyriadou is committed to the art and science of enhancing a person’s smile and oral health. She provides dentistry of the highest standard and believes in pain-free treatment, clinical excellence, and superb service. Bespoke Dental Fulham offers a wide range of dental treatments, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, surgical treatments, specialist treatments, and facial aesthetics.

Clínica dental

Bespoke Dental Fulham

Ground Floor, 275 New Kings Rd, London, West London, London

Cuadro médico de la clínica dental

Dr Millie Argyriadou

dentista y odontóloga


Experto en:

Invisalign® CAD-CAM (diseño de la sonrisa) Empaste dental Carillas de composite Tratamiento de conducto Reconstrucción dental
Mr George Xirogiannis


Experto en:

Periodoncia Elevación de seno Implantes dentales Injerto de hueso dental Injerto de encía Sonrisa gingival
Dr Eleni Besi

dentista y odontóloga

Experto en:

Muelas del juicio Injerto de hueso dental Apicectomía Implantes dentales Articulación temporomandibular Conscious sedation

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Dr Millie Argyriadou
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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Mr George Xirogiannis
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Dr Eleni Besi
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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