The UK Spine Centre

The UK Spine Centre 02039342056 19 Harley St, W1G 9QJ
5 5 1 107
(107) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Inyecciones espinales Espina Discectomía lumbar Fusión lumbar Cirugía láser de disco Cifoplastia Estenosis espinal



Have you ever been told to 'stand up straight' or 'stop slouching'? If you have, you could be suffering from kyphosis, a condition in which the upper part of your spine curves excessively and causes your back to look more rounded than normal. Mr Caspar Aylott, a leading consultant spinal surgeon explains more.


Spinal stenosis is a spinal condition that can cause significant pain when standing and sitting and can even prevent you from walking. One of our top spinal surgeons, Mr Caspar Aylott explains what causes this condition, how he can treat it and which type of surgery is the most effective at relieving symptoms.


Day-case spinal surgery: all you need to know - Online interview
In our latest online interview, mightily experienc...
An introduction to Mr Caspar Aylott

Meet Mr Caspar Aylott, a revered and respected ...

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Mr Caspar Aylott
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