Mr Ulrich Rosendahl

Chirurgo toracico a London


Mr Ulrich Rosendahl esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Ulrich Rosendahl is an internationally renowned, leading cardiac surgeon based at London's Royal Brompton Hospital. He has operated on several thousand patients and his areas of expertise include valve surgery, aortic repair surgery, mitral valve surgery, arch aorta surgery, complex heart surgery, minimally invasive heart surgery and transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI), the exostent (PEARS) and CABG surgery.

Mr Ulrich Rosendahl has a research post in the National Institute of Health Research's biomedical research unit and serves as Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College. He has been widely published and is a regular speaker at both national and international conferences for cardiac surgery.

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Commenti dei pazienti

A couple of years ago, I had the shock of my life when I was investigated routinely and found to need urgent cardiac surgery. I thought my life was over. I was so lucky to be referred to Ulrich Rosendahl and the team at the Brompton Hospital. Ulrich was caring, empathic, very professional, clinically exceptional and knowledgable. He listened to my worries and projected plans for the future (that I had thought were truncated) and reassured me. The operation went well - very painful to be honest, and the rehab was hard going. But it all paid off. I have been so lucky - since my operation, I have been on some of my bucket list trips. I have been diving in the Galapagos Islands, cross-country skiing and camping in the Arctic, ski-touring in the Antarctic and trekking up to Everest Base Camp in Nepal - all thanks to Ulrich and the team. I have realised that major cardiac surgery does not mean that life is over - rather, it can be the springboard to bigger and better things. Thank you so much Ulrich - you really are the best!

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Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Ulrich Rosendahl

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