Sussex Premier Health Bexhill

Sussex Premier Health Bexhill 02045929074 Hollier's Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. TN40 2DZ
5 5 1 5
(5) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Cataratas Cirugía General Cirugía ortopédica Diagnósticos Urología Estética facial

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Sussex Premier Health Bexhill is a highly regarded multispecialist private hospital located in Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex. The hospital, that is part of the esteemed and established private healthcare provider Sussex Premier Health. The healthcare provider comprises of highly experienced consultants in a whole host of different medical specialities, including consultant orthopaedic surgeons, consultant urologists, consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists, and consultant ophthalmologists, but to mention a few. 

Notably, Sussex Premier Health Bexhill offers patients an incredibly high standard of healthcare in range of different areas, including women's healthcosmetic surgerymen's healthgeneral surgery, skin treatment including skin tag removalthyroid testsliver and kidney tests, and X-rays. Facilities at the hospital include 22 private rooms, each comprising of WiFi. Not only that, but the hospital also boasts two operating theatres, free parking for patients, and a daily menu from high-class chefs. 

El centro

Sussex Premier Health Bexhill

Hollier's Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. TN40 2DZ, Bexhill, East Sussex

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
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Cuadro médico del centro

Mr Shahram Kashani



Experto en:

Cirugía de cataratas Capsulotomía con láser YAG Retinopatía diabética Inyección intravítrea Lentes intraoculares Degeneración macular - DMAE

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Mr Shahram Kashani
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