Mr Anthony Perera

a Cardiff e Newport


Mr Anthony Perera esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Anthony Perera is an expert orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon based at the Spire Hospital in Cardiff with fellowship training in Europe and the USA. His areas of expertise lie in treating sports injuries, ankle sprains and ankle instability, toe deformities and pain and performing minimally invasive bunion surgery and ankle arthroscopy. He passionately believes in developing a personalised approach to every patient using a vast range of conservative or surgical procedures available.

His orthopaedic training was undertaken by completing fellowships with leading foot and ankle surgeons across Europe and the USA. For this work, he was subsequently awarded the top prize by the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society in 2008. Mr Perera is now a recognised national leader in the field of minimally invasive bunion surgery which offers specific advantages for many patients and also teaches this technique to other surgeons across the UK and USA.

Mr Perera has also been invited to publish his work and lecture around the world including in America and China. He routinely publishes research on foot and ankle surgery and has won several national awards for this. In 2013, he was chosen as a finalist in the prestigious Laing Buisson Awards for the Medical Practice category. He is currently a vice president for the International Society of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle and is a board member of the International Ankle Instability Group.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Excellent support in the pre and post op process for undertaking an ankle fusion. Would highly recommend to others as mr Perera made the whole process quite stress free and supported.

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Commenti dei pazienti

I went to see Mr Perera as finally the time had come to deal with the bunions I had been living with all of my adult life. After a lot of research I knew I wanted to go down the route of Keyhole Bunion Surgery and get both feet done at the same time. Mr Perera talked through all the options with me and I booked a date for the surgery that was convenient for me. As well as the bunion surgery I also had the Bunionettes on both feet corrected. The recovery was much easier and quicker than I expected. I was back in my trainers at 6 weeks and after 10 weeks back in normal shoes with full mobility. Absolutely thrilled with the results and only a few, barely noticeable tiny scars. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mr Perera for this procedure.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Mr Perera was fantastic start to finish. Kept me at ease throughout pre and postGiant cell tumour/ Peripheral Villonodular synovitis op. He came highly recommended by many connections, both hospital DRs and GPs as the best around. Would chose again, hope that I don't have to!

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Commenti dei pazienti

Excellent treatment from Mr Perara, I was diagnosed with Haglunds Syndrome and was struggling to walk, he treated my condition with keyhole achilles surgery, really pleased with the result and am now able to lead an active lifestyle, would highly recommend.

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Anthony Perera

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