Sussex Premier Health Hastings

Sussex Premier Health Hastings 02045929073 The Ridge, St Leonards, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN37 7RE
5 5 1 125
(125) Recensioni verificate

Pre-op Assessment with Nurse Wendy on 20/12/23 was excellent. She really put me at ease, which meant my blood pressure was normal when she tested it. Normally it is sky high as soon as I go through the door! She was very helpful. Thank you

Centro specializzato in:

Chirurgia generale Cataratta Chirurgia ortopedica Diagnostica Oftalmologia Urologia

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Sussex Premier Health Hastings is a private hospital that is part of the esteemed and established private healthcare provider Sussex Premier Health. Notably, at Sussex Premier Health Hastings, patients are offered everything from initial consultation to both acute and minor surgery. Not only that, but patients' recovery and rehabilitation from their surgery is prioritised and constantly monitored by the healthcare provider. 

Sussex Premier Health Hastings specialises in a range of different areas, including women's health, cosmetic surgery, men's health, general surgery, skin treatment including skin tag removal, thyroid tests, liver and kidney tests, and X-rays. It comprises of a team made up of highly experienced and revered consultants in a range of different medical specialities, including consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, consultant urologists, and consultant ophthalmologists, but to mention a few. 

The hospital's facilities include 22 private rooms, each comprising of WiFi and a television. Not only that, but the hospital also boasts two operating theatres, free parking for patients, and a daily menu from high-class chefs. 

Il centro

Sussex Premier Health Hastings

The Ridge, St Leonards, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN37 7RE, Hastings, East Sussex

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro

Alliance Health Group
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Immagine del centro

Quadro medico del centro

Mr Henry Willmott


Esperto in:

Cipolla (Alluce valgo) Protesi della caviglia Artrosi della caviglia Tendinite Artroscopia della caviglia Piedi piatti
Mr Raj Harshen

chirurgo generale


Esperto in:

Endoscopia Chirurgia della cistifellea Chirurgia del cancro del colon e del ret... Chirurgia della fistola anale Chirurgia delle emorroidi Chirurgia dell'ernia inguinale Chirurgia dell'ernia ombelicale
Mr Pieter Gouws


Esperto in:

Cateratta Glaucoma Chirurgia del glaucoma - MIGS Degenerazione maculare - DMLE Occhio secco Retinopatia diabetica
Mr Andrew Aldridge

chirurgo generale


Esperto in:

Chirurgia dell'ernia inguinale Chirurgia della cistifellea Colonoscopia Prolasso rettale Sangue nelle feci Chirurgia delle emorroidi

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

Richiedi un appuntamento online, il centro ti contatterà.

Richiedi un appuntamento online
Mr Henry Willmott
Vedi il profilo
Mr Pieter Gouws
Vedi il profilo
Mr Raj Harshen
Chirurgo Generale
Vedi il profilo
Mr Andrew Aldridge
Chirurgo Generale
Vedi il profilo
Mr Christopher Buckle
Vedi il profilo

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