Venturi Plus - Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment package
This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington, is aimed at patients who do a lot of sport and activity, and want to get back into training following an illness or surgery. Alongside the cardiovascular risk assessment and assessment of heart function, patients will also receive a personalised risk reduction programme which includes nutritional and exercise advice.
Who is this package for?
This package is for people who have recently recovered from an illness, or have undergone surgery, and want to return to practising sport and training regularly.
What does the package consist of?
The Venturi Plus package is a comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk, assessment of heart function, and a personalised risk reduction programme including nutritional and exercise advice.
The package consists of the following:
The package consists of the following:
- Comprehensive online or in-person consultation
- 12-lead ECG
- Echocardiogram
- Coronary calcium score
- Point of care blood test (lipids)
- Follow up consultation to discuss results and devise a risk reduction plan and nutritional and exercise plan.
Non-refundable product
You have 90 days to use the service
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