Professor Andrew Wright

Dermatologist in Bradford


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Professor Andrew Wright areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Professor Andrew Leslie Wright is a consultant dermatologist in Bradford and Leeds who specialises in eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer and skin allergies.

Having decided on specialising in dermatology, Professor Wright gained as much medical experience as possible by working in an infectious diseases unit, in chest medicine, cardiology and endocrinology. He spent six months working on a coronary care unit and six months in a casualty department where he gained experience with a wide variety of practical procedures.

Professor Wright spent six months in the Rupert Hallam Department of Dermatology, Sheffield as part of a medical rotation. He then spent 20 months in the University Department of Dermatology, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.

Professor Wright is committed to teaching undergraduate medical students both in the outpatient clinic and on formal lecture courses. He supervises students doing special study modules and examines Leeds University medical students. He is an honorary visiting professor at Bradford University and a member of the Centre for Skin Sciences at Bradford University.

He has appeared on television, both live and recorded, on numerous occasions and has performed many radio interviews, particularly with regards to sun awareness and skin cancer. He has most recently contributed to two episodes of the Channel 4 programme Embarrassing Bodies.

Professor Wright is a member of several professional societies, including the British Association of Dermatologists, European Contact Dermatitis Society, British Society for Investigative Dermatology and British Hair and Nail Society.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

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