Dr Barbara Carey

in London


Dr Barbara Carey areas of expertise:

  This doctor is a healthcare professional of OS Clinic

Expert consultants covering all orthopaedic disciplines, oral and maxillofacial specialties, pain management and rheumatology Consisting of a group of world-renowned specialists, they focus on providing innovative and excellent care to their patients. With a mission of avoiding unnecessary surgery, they aim to reduce recovery time as much as possible with the understanding that patients want to get back to full health as soon as possible. The team use a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care, consisting of orthopaedic specialists of all areas working alongside pain management and oral and maxillofacial specialists to provide a quick diagnosis and personalised care. All treatment options are explored, with the aim of using minimally invasive techniques to reduce recovery time. With the support of this exceptional multi-disciplinary team, patients are guaranteed a quick diagnosis and a personalised care plan, regardless of whether you’re being treated for a sports injury or your condition is down to wear and tear. OS Clinic provides care to all self-paying, insured, and international patients with waiting lists as short as possible, and self-referral by contacting the clinic directly available. Concierge Phone: +44 (0) 20 7046 8000 Email: [email protected]

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Barbara Carey

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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