The oral medicine is the part of dentistry responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases originating in the mouth (called primary) and general diseases affecting this area (known as secondary), affecting structures of the oral cavity or adjacent. Th
Oral medicine
The oral medicine is the part of dentistry responsible for diagnosing and treating diseases originating in the mouth (called primary) and general diseases affecting this area (known as secondary), affecting structures of the oral cavity or adjacent. Th
By Dr Sulaman Anwar
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Doctors experts in Oral medicine
The Harbour Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Harbour Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Mary's Rd, Poole BH15 2BH
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Top Doctors
The Chaucer Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Chaucer Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Nackington Rd, Canterbury CT4 7AR,
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Top Doctors
The Harbour Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Mary's Rd, Poole BH15 2BH, PooleExpert in:
- Cancer
- General Surgery
- Diagnosis of Cancer
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