Mr Bobby Dasari

in Birmingham


Mr Bobby Dasari areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Bobby Dasari is an accomplished consultant HPB (hepatopancreatobiliary) and liver transplant surgeon, with a strong background in handling complex surgeries. He presently practises at The Harborne Hospital with his main areas of expertise including liver transplant surgery, gallstones, gallbladder surgery, hernia, liver biopsy, bile duct cancer, and liver cancer

He completed his specialised surgical training in the United Kingdom and earned his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in 2014. Before this, Dr Dasari trained in surgery in India and worked as an assistant professor at several prestigious medical colleges. Throughout his training, Dr Dasari gained significant experience in high-volume general surgery and received specialised instruction in leading HPB, vascular surgery, and intestinal failure surgery units.

He advanced his skills through fellowships focusing on complex Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic surgeries, as well as Liver Transplantation at renowned institutions in Birmingham and Leeds. He also completed visiting fellowships at top medical centers in Seoul, South Korea, including the Asan Medical Center and Yonsei University. 

In addition to his work in the public sector, Dr Dasari is involved in private practice at Harborne Hospital in Birmingham. He is also an expert witness in medico-legal cases, leveraging his extensive expertise and experience in the field.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Bobby Dasari

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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