Vídeos del Professor Carel Le Roux

How can obesity be managed? - Online interview See more

An introduction to Professor Carel Le Roux See more

Ask an expert: Is obesity a disease? - Online interview See more

Carel le Roux See more

13 30 Carel le Roux Bariatric surgery in adults what do we know? See more

Innovations in treatment for obesity - Online interview See more

Losing weight and gaining health: Expert advice on weight loss - Online interview See more

does an under-active thyroid make weight loss more difficult? See more

Professor Carel le Roux explains fat loss See more

The best model of care to treat obesity See more

Is healthy eating enough to lose weight? See more

Body fat set point See more

How to choose the best weight loss treatment See more

Is body weight genetically controlled? See more

Is obesity a disease? See more

What patients should know before coming to consultation for obesity See more

How does medication work as a treatment for obesity? - Online interview See more

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