Dr Emmanuel Ako

in London


Topdoctors Awards Top Doctors Awards: 2021

Dr Emmanuel Ako areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Emmanuel Ako is a highly-trained consultant cardiologist based in London. He is an expert in all areas of cardiology and internal medicine with particular expertise in treating chest pains, acute and chronic coronary syndrome, valvular heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia and cardiac complications in haemoglobinopathies, such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease.

Dr Ako graduated with a degree in medicine from University College London in 2005 and was awarded several awards from the Vandervell Foundation and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). He completed an intercalated BSc in physiology and then went on to complete postgraduate medical training at St Georges, the London Chest and the Heart Hospital in London. After obtaining his MRCP, he achieved a dual accreditation in general internal medicine and cardiology in North East Thames and subsequently trained in interventional cardiology at the Heart Hospital and Barts Heart Centre.

Dr Ako is actively involved in clinical education and research. He has won several awards for his commitment and dedication including the American College of Cardiology Young Investigator Award in Chicago for research into haemoglobinopathy and the RSM Presidents Medal in London. Furthermore, Dr Ako has published multiple articles, presented at many conferences both in the UK and abroad and is a regular speaker in public engagement workshops internationally.

He is currently working as the principal investigator on several cardiology studies and has high-level expertise in simulation-based training in cardiology. He has been involved in developing a hugely successful simulation-based training programme with Imperial College London, which has recently been introduced across the UK aimed at cardiologists and anaesthetists.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Emmanuel Ako

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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