Mr James Ball

in West Yorkshire

MA(Cantab) MB BChir FRCOphth CertLRS

Mr James Ball areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr James Ball is a highly accomplished consultant ophthalmic surgeon based in West Yorkshire. With over 25 years of experience, he specialises in cataract surgery and refractive and laser eye surgical procedures. He is also renowned for his expertise in corneal surface disease, corneal transplantation and dry eye.

Mr Ball qualified in medicine from the University of Cambridge in 1995, where he was also awarded with the Fawcett Prize in recognition of his academic excellence. He also went on to attain a Master’s and specialist certification in laser refractive surgery, and later became a fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. On completion of his specialist training in ophthalmology, he pursued further training through several highly sought-after fellowships. This included a period at Australia’s revered Lions Eye Institute, where he completed training in laser eye surgery and researched innovative refractive surgery techniques. On his return to the UK, Mr Ball undertook an additional fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, which specialised in corneal and refractive surgery. Mr Ball served as a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for fifteen years, performing corneal and refractive surgery as part of his daily practice. Passionate about providing tailor-made, expert care for his patients, he founded the Custom Vision Clinic near Wetherby, West Yorkshire, a highly respected centre of excellence in the treatment of common eye conditions related to spectacle dependence and age-related vision loss. Mr Ball remains dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for his patients and works almost exclusively in private practice at the Custom Vision Clinic.

In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Mr Ball is actively involved in research and education. He is an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Leeds and also served as president of the British Society for Refractive Surgery for several years. Mr Ball is also an active reviewer for various prominent ophthalmology journals and has himself published a number of academic articles.

Mr Ball is regarded as a leading specialist in his field and has lent his expertise to help establish specialist ophthalmology services at various centres throughout his career, including a dedicated laser refractive surgery service on London’s Harley Street. In addition, he was previously appointed as an honorary consultant at the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, to help establish a world class refractive, cataract and corneal service. He is a member of the Refractive Surgery Standards Working Group with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and a council member of the British Society of Refractive Surgeons.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about James Ball

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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