Professor Jaydip Ray

Otolaryngologist in Sheffield

PhD MS FRCS (Eng & Edin) DLO MB BS

Professor Jaydip Ray areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Professor Jaydip Ray is leading consultant ENT surgeon based in Sheffield who specialises in balance and hearing disorders, complex hearing loss and sinus and throat treatment, alongside falls, Ménière's disease and tinnitus. He privately practises at Thornbury Hospital - part of Circle Health Group and his NHS base is Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where he is Clinical Director of ENT. Additionally, he serves as the Specialty Lead for ENT at the National Institute for Health Research.

Professor Ray's sub-specialties focus on functional nasal surgery and a variety of other ENT-related conditions such as snoring, allergic rhinitis and swallowing disorders.

Professor Ray's extensive professional experience is complemented by his significant contributions to public associations. He is the Deputy National Specialty Lead for the CRN in ENT at the National Institute for Health Research and the Vice President of the British Otolaryngology and Allied Research Society. He has also served as a council member for both the Otology section of the Royal Society of Medicine and the Specialist Advisory Committee of the Joint Committee of Surgical Training. His dedication to advancing the field is evident in his role as the Chief Investigator on several multicentre research projects and his position as an Associate Editor for Biomed Central, ENT.

Professor Ray holds professorships at both the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University. He is actively involved in training the next generation of ENT specialists as the Training Programme Director for ENT at the Yorkshire & Humber Deanery. His expertise is further recognised through his involvement with the Court of Examiners for Intercollegiate Examinations at the Royal College of Surgeons and as the Academic Representative to the Specialist Advisory Committee of the Joint Committee of Surgical Training.

Professor Ray's academic background is impressive, with a PhD, MS, FRCS (Eng & Edin), DLO, and an MB BS from Calcutta (1989). He completed his higher surgical training in the UK and undertook fellowship and research experience in Cambridge, Sydney, Australia and Stanford, USA.

His contributions to the field have been recognised with numerous awards, including the Graham Fraser Memorial Fellowship for hearing and balance research at Sydney University (2003), the TWJ Travelling Fellowship to the Causse Clinic in Beziers, France (2008), and the JLO Travelling Fellowship to visit the House Ear Institute in LA and Stanford University, California (2003). He has also received the Politzer Prize for Best Clinical Work at the 23rd Meeting of the Politzer Society in France (2002) and the Rotha Abraham Trust Scholarship for Ear Surgery Training in Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2001).

Professor Ray is a member of several professional organisations, including ENT UK, the British Society of Otology, the British Medical Association, the British Cochlear Implant Group and the British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology. 

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Jaydip Ray

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