Vídeos del Dr Jon Goldin

Dr Jon Goldin gives advice on dealing with anxiety during Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis See more

Children and Young People's Mental Health Green Paper: webcast with Jeremy Hunt See more

Dr Jon Goldin on the coronavirus and child mental health See more

GDS Corona Conversation with Dr. Jon Goldin MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist See more

Victoria Derbyshire Programme Interview with Dr Jon Goldin on BBC2 #Instagram ‘Suicide networks’ See more

ITV Good Morning Britain interview with Dr Jon Goldin re #ChildMentalHealth Oct 2018 See more

Channel 4 News Interview with Dr Jon Goldin re Gaming Disorder and #Fortnite 26 June 2018 See more

BBC1 News Interview with Dr Jon Goldin re #Transition from CAMHS to Adult Services May 2018 See more

Victoria Derbyshire Programme Interview with Dr Jon Goldin on BBC2 regarding #CAMHS #Funding See more

Back to School (Part II) - ft. Jessica Lahey and Dr. Jon Goldin See more

Doctor patient role play - Child Psychiatrist and Depressed Teenager (actor) See more

TalkRADIO interview - COVID and mental health of young people 9.4.21 See more

Technology & it's impact on children and adolescents mental health See more

Systemic response to COVID-19 on MCU, at GOSH and in North London See more

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