Dr Koon Loong Chan

in Cheshire


Dr Koon Loong Chan areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Koon Loong Chan is a highly esteemed consultant obstetrician and a specialist in fetal and maternal medicine at the Portland Hospital. He specialises in multiple pregnancies, ectopic pregnancy, ultrasounds, HIV in pregnancy, fetal medicine and fetal abnormalities.

He received his CCST in September 2002 (Sheffield) and finished his subspecialty training in December 2005 (Nottingham). Dr Chan graduated from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School (London) in 1993 with BSc (Hons) and MB BS. He obtained his MRCOG in May 1999 and was elected to FRCOG in September 2011.

Dr Chan also specialises in obstetric ultrasound, including nuchal translucency and detailed fetal anatomy scanning. He possesses extensive expertise in prenatal counselling, fetal abnormality diagnosis, invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as managing high-risk pregnancies. Additionally, he is an experienced obstetrician working in one of the busiest maternity units in the country, dealing with complex deliveries, including caesarean sections.

Patients with issues related to high-risk pregnancies, fetal medicine, HIV in pregnancy, and multiple pregnancies are referred to Dr Chan from hospitals throughout the Northwest region. At Saint Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, he holds the position of obstetric lead for multiple pregnancy and HIV in pregnancy. In the past, he has also served as the obstetric lead for risk management, clinical effectiveness, and clinical audit at the same hospital. Dr Chan maintains his involvement in the NHS while also running a private practice.

He provides a range of services, from one-off consultations to comprehensive care packages, starting from 8 weeks of pregnancy and continuing until 6 weeks postnatally. He works alongside private midwife Emily Street in all his clinics, offering complete care packages that prioritise the unique needs of women, support stress-free pregnancies, and assist them in achieving the best possible birth experience for both themselves and their babies.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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