Hindfoot Stability test (Subtalar Instability due to Superficial Deltoid Ligament Injury) See more
This video describes the hindfoot stability test. The hindfoot stability test assesses hindfoot stability on valgus stressing of the hindfoot using the calcaneal tuberosity bisection of a line drawn from the lateral border of the fibula as a reference point for instability of the subtalar joint.The hindfoot stability test is a useful measure to determine subtalar instability in the presence of a deltoid ligament complex injury.
What is a posterior malleolus fracture? Trans-Atlantic Webinar See more
This is webinar 1, clip 1, of the Trans - Atlantic webinar organised by Orthosolutions, on the management of trimalleolar fracture and beyond. The webinar series by Lyndon Mason (Liverpool, UK) and Pedro Cosculluela (Texas, USA). This video specifically looks at the principles of posterior malleolar fractures.
Posterior Malleolar Fractures in 2022 - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow 2022 See more
This was an invitational talk given at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in May 2022 as part of their Trauma and Orthopaedic Conference. The talk was given by Prof Mason from the Liverpool Orthopaedic and Trauma Service. The talk details the most up to date evidence and clinical practice when treating posterior malleolar ankle fractures.