Dr Michael Neil

in Stirling y Dundee


Dr Michael Neil areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Michael Neil is an esteemed consultant in anaesthetics and pain medicine at Kings Park Hospital. In his role, he provides general or regional anaesthesia for various surgeries, including gynaecological, plastic, general, and orthopaedic procedures.
He has a keen interest in managing both acute and chronic pain. Dr Neil conducts outpatient pain clinics regularly for chronic pain assessment and management, alongside addressing acute pain conditions within the hospital. He believes in a practical, multi-modal approach, combining physical, pharmacological, and minimally invasive techniques for effective treatment and quicker recovery.
Dr Neil specialises in minimally invasive interventional pain management procedures, particularly for back pain, sciatica, musculoskeletal pain, trigeminal neuralgia, and peripheral nerve pain. He focuses on non-surgical options for hip, knee, and shoulder pain when applicable.
His clinical interests include phantom limb pain, hip and knee osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain. Dr Neil routinely performs various procedures such as lumbar epidural, facet joint injections, nerve blocks, and Botox injections for peripheral neuropathic pain and chronic migraine.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Michael Neil

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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