Mr Nitish Narvekar

in London


Mr Nitish Narvekar areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Nitish Narvekar is a consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician, and an accredited specialist in reproductive medicine and minimal access surgery in London. He specialises in the investigation and treatment of infertility, fertility preservation for cancer and personal choice, fibroids, endometriosis and uterine anomalies such as polycystic ovaries, abnormal vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. Mr Narvekar has performed over 500 complex operations for management of various reproductive and general gynaecological conditions.

He graduated from GOA University, India in 1990 and then trained as an obstetrician and gynaecologist. Mr Narvekar was admitted as a member of the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in 1999. He undertook a research fellowship in Reproductive Medicine at the University of Edinburgh followed by a sub-specialty fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and Minimal Access Surgery at University College London Hospitals. He was accredited as a dual specialist in 2008. Mr Navekar is widely published in the field of reproductive medicine and minimal access surgery and is actively involved in the training and examination of students and specialists. 

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Nitish Narvekar

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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