Mr Ragheed Al Mufti

Surgeon in London


Mr Ragheed Al Mufti areas of expertise:

Professional statement

With over 30 years of experience, Mr Ragheed Al Mufti is one of London’s foremost general surgeons. Mr Al Mufti has a specialist interest in all aspects of breast surgery, including breast augmentation (particularly for congenital anomalies and asymmetry), breast reduction mastopexy, therapeutic mammoplasty, and the management of gynaecomastia. He has performed more than 300 breast reconstructions with Latissmus Dorsi flaps and over 2000 breast implants reconstructions, including the use of ADM. Mr Al Mufti is also a specialist thyroid and parathyroid endocrine surgeon, particularly in dealing with retrosternal goitres.

Mr Al Mufti’s outstanding academic career encompasses two surgical research projects for The Master of Surgery (MSc) at University College London and for the Doctorate of Medicine (MD) at the Queen’s University of Belfast, obtaining the Certificate of completion of Surgical Specialist Training (CCST) in 1997, and becoming a fellow of both the Royal College or Surgeons of Edinburgh and England. Currently, Mr Al Mufti is a senior NHS consultant surgeon at St Mary’s & Imperial College London Hospitals, treating symptomatic breast patients as well as National Screening patients at the West of London Breast Screening Centre.

In addition to his clinical practice, Mr Al Mufti is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London Medical School and has been a surgical examiner for 19 years at the University of London. He has over 100 publications in breast surgery, gynaecomastia, and cancer research and management, in addition to being the co-author of books and many chapters in textbooks.

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Patient reviews

Verified Patient

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Patients comments

The most professional and incredibly knowledgeable doctor I’ve ever had the utmost pleasure of meeting.

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

I highly recommend Mr Ragheed Al Mufti.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


Other information about Ragheed Al Mufti

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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