Mr Richard Nelson

Neurosurgeon in Bristol


Mr Richard Nelson areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Richard Nelson is a leading consultant neurosurgeon with over 35 years' experience. His range of expertise includes degenerative conditions and tumours of the brain and spine. He also works in the management of spinal conditions in sportsmen and women.

Mr Nelson qualified from Cambridge, Oxford, London and Southampton. His dedication to providing excellent care to all his patients includes a special focus on minimising complications and disability as much as possible. He attends private patients at the Spire Bristol Hospital.

As well as contributing to the field of neurosurgery with his research, he has served in various organisations. He has been the Vice-President and President of the Society of British Neurological Surgeons and at present, he is the Chair of the Neurosurgical National Audit Programme.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

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