Mr Said Abisi

in London y Kent


Mr Said Abisi areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Said Abisi is a respected and award-winning consultant vascular and endovascular surgeon based in London. One of the most experienced and sought after surgeons in Europe, his specialist areas of expertise include varicose veins, aortic aneurysms, peripheral arterial disease, leg ulcers and thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). 

He privately practises at London Bridge Hospital and Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital Private Healthcare alongside the Platinum Medical Centre and KIMS Hospital, while his NHS base is Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.    

After graduating with an MD, Mr Abisi completed his vascular surgical training in Nottingham and at King's College London, where he was awarded an MD MS. He then went on to undertake extensive training during his fellowships at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital and at Skåne University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden. Furthermore, he is an international proctor in advanced endovascular treatments.

Mr Abisi has many publications in prominent scientific journals and his work has received awards, including the PGCAP 2008. Mr Abisi's history of research involves a focus on improving the outcome of surgical treatments for patients through less-invasive procedures such as endovascular surgery.

He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and a member of the UK Vascular Society and European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS). 

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


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