Mrs Sarah Maling

Ophthalmologist in Buckinghamshire y Milton Keynes


Mrs Sarah Maling areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mrs Sarah Maling is an accomplished consultant ophthalmologist based in Buckinghamshire, who specialises in cataracts, paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus (squint). Mrs Maling completed her undergraduate studies in 2000 across St Andrews, Scotland, University of Manchester, UK, and CHUV, Lausanne Switzerland.

Her career in ophthalmology started in 2002 while working at the Tennent Institute in Glasgow. For ten years following that role, she worked in several hospitals throughout North London: The Western Eye Hospital, Chelsea and Westminster, Moorfields, and Queen’s Square. She has completed further fellowships at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital. She currently practices in Buckinghamshire at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury and the Milton Keynes Village Practice.

Mrs Maling also serves as consultant ophthalmologist lead for paediatric and strabismus and lead for cataract services at Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust. She is the current Chair of Training for the Royal College of Ophthalmology. In addition, Mrs Maling is an active researcher in the field of ophthalmology and has many publications on subjects such as multifocal, accommodative and mono-focal lenses in cataract surgery, and lymphatic malformation in the orbit of children.

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities
Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Patient reviews

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

Sarah and the team were amazing. Thank you so much

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

We were impressed by how cute the appointment was. The nurse and doctor were incredible with my shy 2 year-old. They have many techniques to get him engaged for the test. WE LOVED THEM!

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Verified Patient

Would you recommend this doctor?

  • Bedside manner
  • Friendliness of the staff
  • Wait time
  • Condition of the facilities

Patients comments

Sarah is excellent - highly focused on patient care and super enthusiastic about her subject area - despite being a leader in her field she is completely down to earth - no God complex here!

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Sarah Maling

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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