Dr Timothy J Rank

Psychiatrist in Brighton and Hove

MB BS, University of London (1996)

Dr Timothy J Rank areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Dr Tim J Rank is a warm, compassionate consultant psychiatrist with over sixteen years of experience in general adult psychiatry, working in both the NHS and the private sector. He has treated various mental health issues in adults, including depression, bipolar disorder, autism, OCD, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and complex trauma.
His clinical and research interests primarily focus on depression and bipolar affective disorders, but he has extensive experience in general adult psychiatry. His treatment approach involves building trust in a warm and professional setting, offering strong therapeutic opportunities for patients' recovery. He collaborates closely with patients, discussing treatment options and respecting their choices.
He also values the therapeutic benefits of exercise for both the body and mind. He enjoys cycling and walking his dogs on the Downs.
Additionally, Tim is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is approved by all major private medical insurance providers.

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments


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