Morton’s neuroma or Morton neuritis is a thickening of the interdigital nerve in the space between the third and fourth toes. It occurs as a result of chronic compression. Sometimes it causes intense pain in the front area of the foot, metatarsal leve
03-05-2013Morton's neuroma
Morton’s neuroma or Morton neuritis is a thickening of the interdigital nerve in the space between the third and fourth toes. It occurs as a result of chronic compression. Sometimes it causes intense pain in the front area of the foot, metatarsal leve
By Mr Turab Syed
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By Mr Paul Hamilton
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By Mr Simon W Sturdee
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Doctors experts in Morton's neuroma
LycaHealth Canary Wharf
LycaHealth Canary Wharf
1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf. E14 4HD
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Top Doctors
London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
27 Tooley St
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Top Doctors
The Harborne Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Harborne Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
Mindelsohn Way, B15 2FQ
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Top Doctors
LycaHealth Canary Wharf
1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf. E14 4HD, Central LondonExpert in:
- Cardiology
- Diagnostic Imaging
London Bridge Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
27 Tooley St, Central LondonExpert in:
- 24-hour service
- Cardiology
The Harborne Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
Mindelsohn Way, B15 2FQ, BirminghamExpert in:
- Digestive
- Cancer
- Thoracic Surgery
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- See all