Psoriatic arthritis is a rheumatic disease that causes inflammation in the joints. This pathology is associated with a chronic condition of the skin called psoriasis and it usually appears after cutaneous lesions do. It rarely manifests simultaneo
Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a rheumatic disease that causes inflammation in the joints. This pathology is associated with a chronic condition of the skin called psoriasis and it usually appears after cutaneous lesions do. It rarely manifests simultaneo
By Dr Joel David
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Doctors experts in Psoriatic arthritis
New Victoria Hospital
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
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Top Doctors
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
5 Devonshire Place, W1G 6HL
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Top Doctors
London Medical
London Medical
49 Marylebone High Street, W1U 5HJ
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Top Doctors
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG, South LondonExpert in:
- Cardiology
- General Surgery
- Pain management
London International Patient Services (LIPS)
5 Devonshire Place, W1G 6HL, W1G Marylebone LondonExpert in:
- Orthopaedic spinal surgery
- Plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetics
- Otolaryngology
London Medical
49 Marylebone High Street, W1U 5HJ, Central LondonExpert in:
- Cardiology
- Adult Diabetes
- Child Diabetes
- Ophthalmology
- See all