Centro especializado en:

Ansiedad Depresión Ataques de pánico Trastorno de estrés postraumático Psicología Rehabilitación Rehabilitación especializada

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel


NPsych is a provider of clinical psychology services, across the East and South East of the UK. They have particular expertise in community-based neurorehabilitation in the context of medio-legal claims.  They are able to provide treatment for a wide range of cognitive and psychological conditions based on a comprehensive, patient-centred approach, combining cognitive and psychological assessments, evidence-based treatments, and personalised care plans to enhance the cognitive and emotional well-being of its patients.

NPsych clinic excels in conducting detailed neuropsychological assessments to evaluate cognitive functions such as memoryattentionlanguage, and executive functioning. These assessments are crucial for supporting people with traumatic brain injurystroke, and developmental disorders. The clinic provides tailored cognitive rehabilitation programs aimed at improving cognitive deficits resulting from brain injuries or neurological disorders.

They also have specialists working in Mental Health and are able to offer psychological therapies  and counselling services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The clinic employs various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and supportive counselling. 

El centro


7 Ducketts Mead, Roydon, Harlow, CM19 5EG, Brentwood, Essex

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Neil Parrett


Experto en:

Daño cerebral adquirido Trastornos de adaptación Problemas de conducta Médicolegal Trastornos del estado de ánimo Neuropsicología
Dr Andy Pike


Experto en:

Neuropsicología Ansiedad Depresión Trastorno cognitivo Terapia cognitivo-conductual

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Dr Neil Parrett
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Dr Andy Pike
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