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Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Work stress and burnout: An expert's advice

Work stress and burnout are increasingly prevalent in today's fast-paced society, impacting individuals across various professions. Recognising the symptoms, understanding who is most at risk, and exploring treatment options are crucial steps in managing and preventing these debilitating conditions. Here, renowned consultant psychiatrist Dr Mostafa Shalaby answers patients’ most frequently asked questions surrounding this topic.

Robotic-assisted hip replacement: a breakthrough in surgical precision

Robotic-assisted hip replacements blend medical expertise with advanced technology to provide patients with enhanced surgical accuracy and more predictable results. Experienced consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Stefan Niculescu explores what robotic-assisted hip replacement entails, its benefits, and why it might be a suitable option for you.

Mostrando resultados 10 de 6220

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