One To One Dental Clinic (121)

Centro especializado en:

Implantes dentales Ortodoncia SMILE


Odontología y estomatología

CFast, which stands for Cosmetically Focused Adult Straight Teeth, is an innovative orthodontic treatment designed specifically for adults. Find out all about it from its founder, and cosmetic dentist at the One To One Dental Clinic, Dr Biju Krishan.

Odontología y estomatología

Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners which straighten teeth gradually. Many patients choose it for its discreet appearance and convenience compared to traditional braces. Understanding the results you can expect from Invisalign is essential for making an informed decision, and highly-respected dental surgeon Dr Fabio Perez is here to tell us all about it.


Ace Orthodontic Diploma London 2018
Lubiju Client Testimonials From adult teeth straightening to...

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Dr Fazeela Khan-Osborne
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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Linzy Baker
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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Dr Nik Vourakis
Dentista Y Odontólogo
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Dr Alga Zelda
Dentista Y Odontólogo
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Dr Biju Krishnan
Dentista Y Odontólogo
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