Centro especializado en:
Ansiedad Síndrome del intestino irritable Artritis Enfermedad crónica avanzada Autismo Trastorno de estrés postraumático Cuidados paliativos Endometriosis Depresión FibromialgiaPor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
Sapphire Medical Clinics are an award-winning group of medical cannabis clinics based in London alongside various locations around the UK including Cambridge, Manchester and Scotland. Sapphire specialises in treating various illnesses that come under the medical umbrellas of cancer, dermatology and gastrointestinal conditions alongside neurological conditions, pain conditions and psychiatric conditions.
The highly-qualified Sapphire Medical Clinics team, who are internationally-renowned consultants that offer expert medical services in the clinic's specialities, are trained in safely prescribing cannabis-based medicines. As a collective, they possess years of senior clinical leadership experience that deal with complex cases in areas such as pain medicine, palliative care and psychotherapy.
Sapphire prides itself in providing patient-centred treatment from it's accomplished doctors who provide a high-quality service, which is evidenced in their patient's glowing testimonials.
Those taking their first step towards medical cannabis treatment, and those moving on from a different medical cannabis clinic, are expertly-guided through a care process which is safe and straightforward as possible. This is so patients access the treatment they need.
All patients undertake an eligibility assessment and are required to provide information from their GP and/or other specialists they may have seen already. If patients are joining from another cannabis clinic, they are required to provide clinic letters they have been given.
Sapphire Medical Clinics are regulated by the Care Quality Commission as the UK's highest-rated medical cannabis clinic, and Healthcare Improvement Scotland as the only medical cannabis clinic with Scottish regulatory approval.
El centro
Sapphire Medical Clinics
10 Harley Street, W1G 9PF, W1G Marylebone London, London
"Las compañías de seguros no patrocinan la aparición de especialistas o clínicas en Top Doctors. Cualquier mención de una compañía de seguros es únicamente para indicar que estas clínicas o especialistas aceptan este tipo de seguro médico."
Cuadro médico del centro
Dr Michael Platt
unidad del dolor
Experto en:
Síndrome de dolor regional complejo Dolor por cáncer Dolor crónico Fibromialgia Migrañas Anestesia generalPIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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