Spires Oral & Dermal Care

Centro especializado en:

Canal raíz Estética facial Caries dental Estética dental Dientes desgastados Odontología

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Spires Oral & Dermal Care, located in Magherafelt, is a modern clinic that offers patients a wide variety of dental and aesthetic treatments including general oral care and treatments, such as alignment (Invisalign), bleaching (tooth whitening), and composite bonding, as well as hygiene therapy, facial aesthetics, cosmetic dentistry, and implant surgery
Formerly Gormley's Dental Surgery, established in 1959, the practice is now headed by highly experienced Dr Anne Gormley. She ensures the practice stays up to date with new preventative and restorative dental procedures. Fascinated by the transformative aspect of dentistry, Dr Gormley trained in facial aesthetics and incorporated this into her practice to offer her patients a complete and comprehensive range of treatments for the mouth and the surrounding area. 
Dr Gormley and Rachel Mulholland treat patients in a purpose built studio availing of state-of-the-art equipment. Their clients' satisfaction is at the heart of everything they do, striving to ensure individual needs are met. By combining their expertise in cosmetic treatments and dental procedures, the team at Spires Oral & Dermal Care wants to boost their patients' self-esteem, so they can leave smiling and comfortable in their own skin. 
Spires Oral & Dermal Care have been shortlisted for the Irish Dentistry Awards 2023 for Best Patient Care and Practice of the Year, due to take place in September 2023.

El centro

Spires Oral & Dermal Care

11 Kirk Avenue, Magherafelt, BT45 6BT, Magherafelt, Magherafelt

Cuadro médico del centro

Dr Rachel Mulholland

dentista y odontóloga

Experto en:

CAD-CAM (diseño de la sonrisa) Blanqueamiento dental Empaste dental Carillas de composite Odontología infantil Toxina Botulínica (Botox)

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Dr Rachel Mulholland
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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