Videos de The Chiltern Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Can you develop allergy later in life? - Online interview Ver más

Rapid Recovery Programme in Orthopaedics - A Primary Care Update Ver más

LARS™ PCL - Mr David Houlihan-Burne Ver más

David Houlihan-Burne Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon Ver más

BMI Meet The Consultant - Mr David Houlihan Burne Ver más

Rapid Recovery Programme and Actico Ver más

Mr Houlihan Burne - Rapid Recovery Interview Ver más

Mr. David Houlihan Burne on Hip Knee replacement Ver más

Stryker Mako Steve Ver más

Stryker Mako David Houlihan-Burne Ver más

Mole Mapping - Skin Inspection ( mole screening clinic london ) Ver más

Migraines with aura broken down by an expert neurologist - Online Interview Ver más

What exactly is CGRP? - Online interview Ver más

An introduction to Dr Mark Weatherall Ver más

Radical prostatectomy: all about the prostate-removing surgery - Online interview Ver más

Kidney stones: an expert overview of the most effective treatment options - Online interview Ver más

What are the prostate cancer warning signs to look out for? Mr Neil Haldar - Movember Men's health Ver más

As part of the Men's Health Awareness month campaign, we spoke to leading consultant urologist, complete with his Movember moustache, Mr Neil Haldar. Mr Haldar spoke to us about prostate cancer, one of the main topics the Movember campaign is looking to raise awareness of, and explained all about the warning signs, diagnosis, and treatment of prostate cancer. If you are interested in booking an appointment with Mr Haldar to be checked or treated for prostate cancer, you can do so via his Top Doctors profile: ✔  Follow us on Instagram: ✔  Follow us on Facebook: ✔  Follow us on Twitter:

Movember Webinar - the adverse effects of prostate and testicular cancer treatment Ver más

An introduction to Mr Nicholas Beattie Ver más

An introduction to Mr Patrick Lintott Ver más

Microwave varicose vein treatment: Frequently-asked questions - Online interview Ver más

Peripheral vascular disease treatment: Everything you need to know - Online interview Ver más

An introduction to Dr Piers Clifford Ver más

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