The Grosvenor Practice

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Médico de cabecera

In today's fast-paced society, prioritising your health often falls by the wayside due to time constraints and the lengthy procedures involved in accessing healthcare. Here, renowned GP Dr Rupert Pemsel highlights the significance of swift and convenient blood tests and investigations.

Médico de cabecera

Sexual health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Regular sexual health check-ups are essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing potential health issues. In this article, esteemed GP Dr Davina Woodward explains when you should go for a sexual health check-up, how often you should have one, what happens during the check-up, and any potential risks or complications involved.

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Dr Davina Woodward
Médico De Cabecera
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Dr Felicity Groom
Médico De Cabecera
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Dr Rupert Pemsel
Médico De Cabecera
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