Venturi Cardiology

Venturi Cardiology 01925974395 4, The Square, Birchwood Blvd, Birchwood, Warrington WA3 7QY
5 5 1 43
(43) valoraciones verificadas

A very good experience. Informative, friendly and reassuring!

Centro especializado en:

Arritmia Enfermedades respiratorias Cardiología Enfermedad cardiovascular Cardiología preventiva Revisión de salud

Servicios Médicos

Venturi Lite - Cardiovascular risk package

This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington, is aimed at patients who are concerned about their risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. The test involves a consultation with the doctor, either online or in-person, a blood test, a coronary calcium score, and an ECG. The results will inform the patient on their basic level of cardiovascular risk.

Venturi Plus - Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment package

This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington, is aimed at patients who do a lot of sport and activity, and want to get back into training following an illness or surgery. Alongside the cardiovascular risk assessment and assessment of heart function, patients will also receive a personalised risk reduction programme which includes nutritional and exercise advice. 

Venturi Complete - Complete cardiovascular evaluation package

This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington, is aimed at patients who may be experiencing symptoms of heart disease, or who would like a detailed review of their cardiovascular risk. It involves a complete evaluation of the heart and coronary arteries, involving a CT coronary angiogram providing an in-depth assessment of the arteries around the heart. Following the tests, a consultant cardiologist will discuss the results with you, and devise a plan to give you peace of mind regarding your heart health.

Venturi Cardiology - Post-Covid recovery package

This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington is aimed at patients who have previously had Covid and are still experiencing symptoms 12 weeks or longer after the diagnosis. This is considered as lon-Covid, or post-Covid syndrome, and the symptoms experienced can vary widely. The package includes a series of tests to detect the areas of the body that are most affected, followed by a consultation with a respiratory consultant to devise a management plan to treat the symptoms. 

Venturi Complete - Complete cardiovascular evaluation package

This package provided by Venturi Cardiology in Warrington, is aimed at patients who may be experiencing symptoms of heart disease, or who would like a detailed review of their cardiovascular risk. It involves a complete evaluation of the heart and coronary arteries, involving a CT coronary angiogram providing an in-depth assessment of the arteries around the heart. Following the tests, a consultant cardiologist will discuss the results with you, and devise a plan to give you peace of mind regarding your heart health.

Palpitations, Syncope, Fainting and Dizziness - Symptom-led package

Venturi Cardiology provide this symptom-led package for patients that are experiencing symptoms of heart palpitations, syncope, fainting, and dizziness. The package includes an echocardiogram, exercise stress test, 7-day Holter monitor, ECG, and a consultation with a cardiologist. 

Hypertension - Symptom-led Package

Venturi Cardiology provide this symptom-led package for patients experiencing symptoms of, feel that they are at risk of, or would like advice on managing hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure. The package includes an echocardiogram, ECG, blood pressure monitor to take home and a consultation with a cardiologist.

Non-acute Chest Pain - Symptom-led Package

Venturi Cardiology provide this symptom-led package for patients that are experiencing non-acute chest pain, such as a sharp stabbing pain, a dull ache, a burning sensation, or a crushing sensation. The package includes a consultation with a leading consultant cardiologist, an ECG (electrocardiogram), a blood test including Troponin and Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), echocardiogram, CT coronary angiogram and a calcium score test.

Myocarditis - Symptom-led Package

Venturi Cardiology clinic in Warrington provide this symptom-led diagnostic package for patients who are concerned that they may have myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, which can affect anyone but can esecially be a risk for patients who have recently had an infection. The package includes a consultations with a leading consultant cardiologist, a blood test to check the Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), an ECG (electrocardiogram), and an echocardiogram. A cardiac MRI may also be required depending on the results of the echocardiogram.

Specialised lipidology bloods - Symptom-led Package

Venturi Cardiology clinic in Warrington provide this diagnostic blood test package to determine the patient's cholesterol levels, lipid levels, kidney function, and to check biomarkers via the taking of a blood sample. Following the blood test analysis, a follow-up treatment plan will be devised with the patient, along with a plan to make changes to the lifestyle to improve heart health and general well-being.  The package includes a consultation with a leading consultant cardiologist, a blood test that tests for numerous markers to provide a detailed analysis, and a tailored follow-up and treatment plan to improve your lifestyle and well-being. 

Venturi Ultimate - the ultimate cardiac health assessment package

The Venturi Ultimate is a cardiac health package provided by the Venturi Cardiology clinic in Warrington, which is aimed at people who want to have a comprehensive evaluation of the health of their heart. The package provides detailed information on the condition of the heart, such as the stability of the electrical system, how genetically predisposed you are to abnormal lipids, and to identify invisible signatures of inflammation, which can cause heart disease years in the future. 

Venturi Cares - a subscription service to monitor your heart health

The Venturi Cares subscription service, provided by the Venturi Cardiology clinic in Warrington gives patients access to regular cardiac care and monitoring. Including regular checks and lifestyle monitoring, as well as a cardiac monitoring watch that monitors for atrial fibrillation, and a gym discount. This package is ideal for people with an ongoing heart condition, or are at genetic risk of heart disease, who want to have peace of mind. 

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Dr Scott Murray
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Dr Jonathan Hasleton
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Dr Thomas Heseltine
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Dr Jakub Lagan
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Dr James Redfern
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