Vision and Surgery

Vision and Surgery 07979 192020 The Fakenham Medical Practice, Meditrina House, Trinity Road, Fakenham
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Centro especializado en:

Cataratas Implantes de lentes ICL Cirugía de párpado Condiciones oculares complejas Cirugía oftalmológica láser Oftalmología



Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure performed on the eye to remove the vitreous humour, a gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina. This surgery is typically recommended for patients experiencing problems in the retina or vitreous, which can significantly impact vision. If you have been advised to undergo a vitrectomy, it is essential to understand the procedure, its indications, and the recovery process. In his latest online article, Mr Manzar Saeed gives us his insights.

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Mr Manzar Saeed
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