Forest & Ray - Dentists, Orthodontists, Implant Surgeons

La clínica dental es especialista en

Estética dental Ortodoncia en adultos Implantología Servicio urgencias 24h Prostodoncia Periodoncia Tratamiento de conducto Carillas de porcelana Corona Brackets

Por qué es una clínica dental de primer nivel

Forest & Ray Dental Practice is a renowned dental clinic located in the heart of London, offering a comprehensive range of dental services to patients of all ages. Established with a commitment to providing high-quality, personalised care in a comfortable and welcoming environment, Forest & Ray has earned a reputation for excellence in the field of dentistry.

The Forest & Ray Dental Practice is a one-stop dental clinic, comprised of highly skilled in-house oral surgeons, implantologists, orthodontists, periodontists, and endodontists who offer root canal treatment with a microscope. The clinic also employs general dentists, providing general dentistry. If a patient comes for a consultation, rest assured they will not be sent to another practitioner. 

At Forest & Ray, patients have access to a team of highly skilled and experienced dental professionals who specialise in various aspects of dentistry, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, implant dentistry, and more. Whether patients require routine check-ups and cleanings, restorative treatments such as fillings and crowns, or advanced procedures like dental implants or orthodontic treatment, the clinic is equipped to meet their needs with precision and expertise.

One of the distinguishing features of Forest & Ray Dental Practice is its commitment to using the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques to deliver optimal results for patients. From state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and imaging equipment to advanced treatment modalities such as digital smile design, the clinic prioritises innovation and efficacy in delivering dental care.

Moreover, Forest & Ray prioritises patient comfort and convenience, offering flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend appointments, to accommodate busy lifestyles. The clinic also strives to create a warm and inviting atmosphere, with modern amenities and amenities designed to help patients feel relaxed and at ease during their visits. In addition to providing exceptional clinical care, Forest & Ray places a strong emphasis on patient education and empowerment. 

The staff at Forest & Ray are not only professional, but they have an incredibly friendly atmosphere, where the same people smile at you year after year. The dental practice provides fresh, organic fruits to all of its staff members, because the belief at the clinic is that if it provides healthcare services, then its staff need to be healthy and energetic as well. They use relaxing, natural fragrances to make the experience as stress-free as possible, and they have flowers (living ones in a pot) that blossom throughout the year.

The clinic is notably located in three separate locations: in Holborn, Camden, and Central London, just five minutes from Holborn and Tottenham Court Road tube stations. Therefore, if patients google 'Dentist Near Me' they will easily find one of our locations. 

Clínica dental

Forest & Ray - Dentists, Orthodontists, Implant Surgeons

8F Gilbert Pl, London, WC1A 2JD, Central London, London

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro


Cuadro médico de la clínica dental

Dr Eleftherios Martinis

dentista y odontólogo

Experto en:

Implantes dentales Cirugía Oral Reconstrucción ósea Injerto de hueso dental Elevación de seno Implantes cigomáticos
Dr Luca Licheri

cirujano maxilofacial

Experto en:

Muelas del juicio Cirugía Oral Extracción de dientes Diente incluido Cáncer boca
Dr Lydia Dzhukha


Experto en:

Ortodoncia adultos Aesthetic orthodontics Invisalign® Bruxismo Maloclusión dental CAD-CAM (diseño de la sonrisa)
Dr Krisztina Papp

dentista y odontóloga

Experto en:

Prótesis fija Tratamiento de conducto Blanqueamiento dental Corona dental Prótesis dental Odontología restauradora compleja

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Dr Eleftherios Martinis
Dentista Y Odontólogo
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Dr Luca Licheri
Cirujano Maxilofacial
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Dr Lydia Dzhukha
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Dr Krisztina Papp
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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Dr Nikolaos Kasiteridis
Dentista Y Odontólogo
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