The White Bridge Clinic
Dr Amit is better than my Manhattan dentist! Professional practice, caring service, and technologically advanced surgery.
La clínica dental es especialista en
Estética dental Implantología PeriimplantitisPor qué es una clínica dental de primer nivel
The White Bridge Dental Clinic is a private dental practice in the heart of Kidlington, near Oxford. Its team of dental and facial care experts provide a range of services, from preventative dental care to minimally invasive techniques to ensure their patients have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. One of their dentists, Dr Amit Mohindra provides expert care, with a particular focus on dental implants, for which he has more than 15 years of experience with.
The comfort of their patients is a priority, and their dedicated staff make sure that your visit will be relaxed and stress-free, with treatments tailored to your individual needs. The clinic is based on the ground floor with disabled access, toilet facilities, on-site parking, and easy access by bus and cycle.
Clínica dental
The White Bridge Clinic
140 Oxford Rd, Kidlington OX5 1DZ, Oxford, Oxford
"Las compañías de seguros no patrocinan la aparición de especialistas o clínicas en Top Doctors. Cualquier mención de una compañía de seguros es únicamente para indicar que estas clínicas o especialistas aceptan este tipo de seguro médico."
Cuadro médico de la clínica dental
Dr Amit Mohindra
dentista y odontólogo
Experto en:
Implantes dentales Implantes de carga inmediata Cirugía guiada Prótesis fija Conscious sedation PeriimplantitisDr Danny Watts
dentista y odontólogo
Experto en:
Prostodoncia avanzada Odontología restauradora compleja Estética dental Corona dental CAD-CAM (diseño de la sonrisa) Carillas o coronasDr Katerina Rousea
dentista y odontóloga
Experto en:
Dispositivo de avance mandibular Aesthetic orthodontics Sistema Damon Ortodoncia interceptiva Invisalign® Ortodoncia invisibleDr Rahul Patel
dentista y odontólogo
Experto en:
Endodoncia Endodoncia quirúrgica Endodontic retreatment Blanqueamiento dental Estética dental Odontología restauradora complejaPIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito
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