Mr Ross Elledge

en Birmingham


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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

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Dr Elledge has changed my life. I spent two years in constant pain, leading to severe depression. I am 7 weeks post op (jaw joint replacement), and I no longer have pain, I can eat normally, and i feel like a new person. The support I have received from Dr Elledge has been great

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I was extremely lucky to have Mr Elledge to check my recurrent oral ulceration. Very good hands doing biopsy to confirm it’s OLP. He provided detailed info about it and told me how to manage it. Mr. Elledge is friendly, helpful & professional. Great team too. Highly recommend!!

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Thank you so much! The diagnostic challenge is always rewarding but now we know you have the right treatment and we are on the way to a better quality of life! Happy to have helped.

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i would not have chosen anyone else to go through the tough process of total joint replacement with, i have had an incredible recovery and do not regret having my surgery at all, completely life changing. i am so grateful and thankful for such a lovely surgeon.

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Thanks so much for these wonderful comments. After the joint replacements went in you did all the hard work with the physio rehab so well done to you for such an amazing and life-changing outcome! So happy to hear this!

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Comentario paciente

I am very confident in the treatment I have received. Success with a steroid injection in jaw. Always feel that I am given time to discuss any options for treatment. Caring and kind with expertise. 100% recommend!!!

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Many thanks for this lovely comment. Sometimes the simplest options are the best and always keen to keep people out of operating theatres until it becomes essential! Glad this worked for you and you are feeling better! Thank you for the lovely review.

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


Otra información de interés de Ross Elledge

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