Vídeos del Mr Simon Clarke

Hydrocele: When should my child see a doctor? - Online interview


A hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid which may cause a painless swelling in the scrotum. Although not usually serious, hydroceles can be a cause for concern for parents and should be examined by a specialist. In our latest online interview, highly respected consultant paediatric surgeon Mr Simon Clarke, who is based in London, shares his expert insight on hydroceles, including different variations of the condition, how hydroceles are diagnosed and when to seek medical advice. 0:00 What is a hydrocele? 0:44 Are there different types of hydroceles? 2:23 Is a hydrocele serious? 3:48 When it is necessary to see a doctor about a hydrocele? 4:53 How is a hydrocele diagnosed? 6:05 What happens if a hydrocele is left untreated? If you wish to schedule a consultation with Mr Clarke, you can do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile: https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/doctor/simon-clarke ✔  Follow us on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3fSrqXb ✔  Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3t5kGsW ✔  Follow us on Twitter: https://bit.ly/39TidKh

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