Vídeos del Mr William Bartlett

Being able to walk again, pain free: Martin's story


Martin describes how his Mako Robotic-arm assisted hip surgery helped to get his life back on track. Martin struggled with basic day-to day activities, such as walking, for a number of years, due to a diseased hip. After visiting The Princess Grace Hospital, Martin chose to undergo a robotic joint replacement after learning about the Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted system. With fewer complications and quicker recovery times, the Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted system can also provide a more accurate joint placement (compared to the more traditional joint replacement methods), meaning that patients can experience a more natural feeling joint post-op, restoring mobility, confidence and returning to an active lifestyle sooner. Learn more about the Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted system for joint replacements: Get in touch today: Website : https://www.hcahealthcare.co.uk/mako Join us on Facebook : / the-princess-grace-hospital-126333044085847 Follow on Twitter: / pghosp Connect with us on Linkedin: / the-princess-grace-hospital Subscribe on Youtube : http://ow.ly/NoDX30nBpe0

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