Woodlands Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Woodlands Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Morton Park, Darlington DL1 4PL
5 5 1 61
(61) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía General Cirugía de preservación articular Diagnóstico por imagen Pie y tobillo Rodilla Cirugía plástica, estética y reparado... Cadera Microcirugía ocular Rehabilitación

Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel

Woodlands Hospital is located in Darlington, County Durham, and ensures that all patients receive an excellent level of personalised healthcare in a very clean and comfortable environment. It is a highly established private hospital that specialises in a range of surgery including hip surgery, knee surgery, ophthalmology, cosmetic and general surgery.

The hospital has a great range of diagnostic modalities including MRI, CT, Ultrasound and Xray. The physiotherapy department within the hospital also has a gymnasium which specialises in rehabilitation. This hospital also hosts more top-class facilities such as 4 theatres (2 clean air, 1 ambulatory theatre and ophthalmology theatre) as well as the hospital ward boasts 22 single en-suite bedrooms with short stay areas.

El centro

Woodlands Hospital - part of Circle Health Group

Morton Park, Darlington DL1 4PL, Darlington, Darlington

Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro

Alliance Health Group
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Imágenes del centro

Cuadro médico del centro

Mr Andrew Port


Experto en:

Cirugía de rodilla Recambios de cadera Rejuvenecimiento de cadera Prótesis de rodilla Artrosis de rodilla Reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado an...
Mr Daniel Fagan



Experto en:

Cifoplastia Discopatía degenerativa Cirugía de columna mínimamente invasiv... Cirugía Percutánea Hernia Discal Prótesis de disco Lumbalgia
Mr James Wokes

cirujano plástico

Experto en:

Aumento de mamas Mastopexia (elevación de mamas) Reducción mamaria Abdominoplastia Blefaroplastia Lifting facial
Professor Yirupaiahgari Viswanath

cirujano general

Experto en:

Cirugía robótica Cirugía del cáncer gástrico Hernia Cirugía gastrointestinal superior Achalasia Reflujo gastroesofágico

PIDE CITA AHORA: El servicio de gestión de cita es gratuito

Book directly with a consultant at this Hospital below

Mr Andrew Port
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Mr Daniel Fagan
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Mr James Wokes
Cirujano Plástico
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Professor Yirupaiahgari Viswanath
Cirujano General
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Mr Haitham Khashaba
Cirujano Plástico
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