Centro especializado en:
Cirugía ortopédica Cirugía plástica, estética y reparado... Pediatría La salud de la mujer Fisioterapia Medicina del DeportePor qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
Leicester Hospital, part of Nuffield Health, is a state-of-the-art private hospital in Leicester, Leicestershire, UK that provides high quality healthcare.
Operating since 1970, the centre's expert consultants cover a comprehensive range of treatments and services across a number of specialisms including orthopaedics, paediatrics, cosmetic surgery, women's health, physiotherapy and sports injury. To offer first-class patient care, Leicester Hospital has recently been remodelled and equipped with modern medical facilities. The centre now has 40 deluxe rooms, one minor treatment room, a dedicated children's ward, a gym and a complete diagnostics suite as well as two operating theatres.
Leicester Hospital has plenty of parking spaces at the front, side and rear of the hospital. There is also ample disabled parking available outside of the hospital's main entrance, ensuring a comfortable arrival to the hospital. The centre is also accessible with the 38A, 53 and 58 bus lines.
El centro
Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital
Scraptoft Ln, Leicester LE5 1HY, Leicester, Leicester
Seguros médicos compatibles con este centro
"Las compañías de seguros no patrocinan la aparición de especialistas o clínicas en Top Doctors. Cualquier mención de una compañía de seguros es únicamente para indicar que estas clínicas o especialistas aceptan este tipo de seguro médico."
Imágenes del centro
Cuadro médico del centro
Mr Deep J Malde
cirujano general
Experto en:
Cirugía de la vesícula biliar Cáncer de hígado Cáncer de páncreas Pancreatitis Quiste Tumores neuroendocrinosMr Atul Bagul
cirujano general
Experto en:
Cirugía endocrina Trasplante de riñón Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ... Cirugía glándulas paratiroides Reparación Laparoscópica de Hernia ColecistectomíaMr David Exon
cirujano general
Experto en:
Reflujo gastroesofágico Bariatric surgery Cirugía de la vesícula biliar Hernia de hiato Cirugía gastrointestinal superior Cirugía de la DiabetesDr Harjinder Singh
médico del deporte
Experto en:
Infiltraciones articulares Lumbalgia Medicina del deporte Células madre Artrosis Lesiones deportivas