Smart TMS London
Centro especializado en:
Estimulación magnética transcraneal Depresión Adicciones Trastorno bipolar Trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo AnsiedadSmart TMS London
30 Thurloe Place, South Kensington, London, Central London, London
Por qué es un centro médico de primer nivel
Smart TMS London is a highly renowned transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) centre that specialises in non-invasive, medication-free treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD, primary chronic insomnia, teenage depression, seasonal affective disorder, postnatal depression, and borderline personality disorder.
Established in 2015, the team at Smart TMS London comprises of highly experienced psychiatrists and psychologists, led by medical director Dr Leigh Neal. The London-based Smart TMS clinic is one of eight locations in which Smart TMS operates. There are also clinics in Norwich, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Hampshire, and Manchester. Notably, Smart TMS is now the UK's leading provider of transcranial magnetic stimulation.
The staff at Smart TMS London are all extremely qualified in and passionate about transcranial magnetic stimulation and biological causes of mental health disorders. The clinic is located a very short walk away from the South Kensington underground station.
El centro
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