Addiction counselling talk therapy alcoholism

Escrito por: Dr Oscar D’Agnone
Publicado: | Actualizado: 04/03/2020
Editado por: Cameron Gibson-Watt

The recovery process for alcoholism is a journey, and for many, a lifetime commitment; there isn’t a quick fix or a magic bullet to treat it.


Alcohol addiction counselling is one of the major tools in any rehabilitation programme that mainly focuses on the here-and-now of the patient's daily life. Whereas psychotherapeutic interventions tend to focus on the underlying causes that led the patient to their current situation. Additionally, it helps them to come to terms with their addictions ensuring they can continue enjoying their lives by leaving the ghosts of their past behind them.


We sat down with London psychiatrist, Dr Oscar D'Agnone, who explained exactly what addiction counselling consists of and describes what you can expect when you attend a typical counselling session in a rehab or walk-in centre.



What is addiction counselling?

Counselling can come in a wide variety of different forms: it can be part of residential alcoholic rehabilitation or regular sessions at private alcohol rehab clinics. These types of counselling sessions can reveal a lot of different things about each person.


Addiction counselling is a major part of alcohol rehab where one-on-one sessions can be acquired. Sufferers can speak to a qualified professional about their private issues which can reveal any difficult or traumatic events that led them to drink, but always focusing on the here and now.


Counselling helps patients to become aware and understand their problems and the many factors involved in their drinking behaviour. Being aware of this ultimately leads them to gain control of their drinking behaviour which is why it’s so important.


Through counselling, alcohol addicts can tackle their problems and take the first steps on the road to recovery.


What role does family therapy play in the recovery process?

Counselling and family therapy are key elements in any alcohol rehab programme. Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that can help family members improve their communication and resolve any conflicts. Counsellors and family therapists, therefore, look for underlying personal, family and/or social factors and dynamics that might have influenced the patient's alcohol addiction and also coach patients and their family members on how to work through these matters.


What happens during the counselling sessions?

Addiction counselling takes place in a safe environment so the patient can feel comfortable and secure. None of their issues are ever released into the open and the only people who know about the conversations are the patient and the counsellor. All alcohol counsellors are bound by a strict code of secrecy and will keep all confidential information to themselves. Information is only shared if the patient needs to be referred to another specialist more qualified to deal with the problem.


Both residential alcohol rehabilitation and outpatient clinics run counselling sessions in the same manner, so there’s no major difference between them. The only slight difference is that those who attend a residential alcohol rehab centre will have more sessions more regularly, which ultimately leads to a closer relationship with the professional in question. This close bond is often what encourages people to seek help, allowing them to feel safe, gain trust and build their self-confidence.


Dr Oscar D'Agnone is a highly respected psychiatrist in Central London who specialises in treating people with alcohol and other addictions. If you would like to talk to him, visit his Top Doctors profile and check his availability.

Por Dr Oscar D’Agnone

El Dr. Oscar D'Agnone MD MRCPsych es uno de los psiquiatras y especialistas en adicciones médicas más veteranos y respetados del Reino Unido, y se especializa en trastornos de ansiedad , adicciones , problemas relacionados con el alcohol , traumatismos (TEPT), depresión y TDAH . Actualmente es CEO y Director Médico de Seagrave Healthcare / The OAD Clinic, una institución privada líder que brinda tratamiento de salud mental y adicciones en el centro de Londres por más de 15 años.

Hasta noviembre de 2018, el Dr. D'Agnone fue profesor honorario de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y Humanas de la Universidad de Manchester, miembro del Royal College of Psychiatrists y de la Sociedad Internacional de Medicina de Adicciones.

Con más de 35 años de experiencia como psiquiatra consultor en el tratamiento de pacientes con problemas de salud mental y adicciones, el Dr. D'Agnone ofrece intervenciones psiconeurofarmacológicas complejas para manejar o resolver situaciones difíciles para sus pacientes y sus familias que sufren las consecuencias de problemas de salud mental. A lo largo de su carrera, ha ocupado muchos puestos directivos, liderando grandes equipos de médicos, enfermeras y psicólogos a través de diversos entornos de tratamiento en Europa y América. Como resultado, ha obtenido una rica experiencia clínica que le ha permitido desarrollar y ofrecer un enfoque pragmático centrado en el problema de la variedad de intervenciones farmacológicas y psicosociales para sus pacientes.

El Dr. D'Agnone ha enseñado en muchas universidades e instituciones europeas y americanas y ha publicado numerosos artículos médicos y libros sobre adicciones y ha publicado ampliamente en la prensa médica profesional. Además, a menudo se presenta en conferencias científicas nacionales e internacionales notables y es el asesor principal de varios gobiernos y productos farmacéuticos sobre la estrategia política y la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos.

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