ADHD and university: when your child transitions into higher education

Escrito por: Dr Lars Davidsson
Editado por: Laura Burgess

As your child with ADHD steps into adulthood by starting university, you may wonder how can they prepare and what to expect. Here one of our expert psychiatrists Dr Lars Davidsson offers his advice and explains whether their treatment plan needs to be altered.


Can ADHD become worse as my child starts university?

When a child transitions from secondary school into higher education (HE) such as university, it is unlikely that their ADHD is going to worsen. The concern is more about family support services and how a smooth transfer can be arranged because university life is very different from school.

What changes might they expect?

At university, you are expected to plan your work autonomously and go to lectures without anyone telling you what to do. It is not uncommon that people have undiagnosed ADHD, which goes on for years. They get through school, go to university and suddenly nothing works and are left to their own devices. 

Some people might have trouble failing work or can’t complete their studies. This is not because of the illness but the different demands. If you have issues with focus, concentration, planning, paying attention and procrastinating, university might be hard.

What tips can you recommend during these transitions?

Universities provide support because they encourage and want people to take their courses, so it is important to talk to them. Adjustments can be made if people require them and if the university is made aware, they can discuss a plan, for example, by allowing longer time to do assignments and exams. If the university is aware, they are happy to help.

Do ADHD patients sometimes require additional treatment during these stages of life?

Yes, patients may require intervention. You should continue with your regular medical psychiatric treatment. There are other kinds of interventions available that differ and depend on what kind of demands people are facing. Someone might, for example, require cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) too.

Dr Davidsson is an expert in treating ADHD. Book an appointment with him via his Top Doctor's profile today if either you or your loved one are living with the condition and would like his professional support.

Dr Lars Davidsson

Por Dr Lars Davidsson

El Dr. Lars Davidsson es un psiquiatra consultor altamente capacitado en Anglo European Clinic con intereses especiales que incluyen depresión, trastorno de estrés postraumático, TDAH en adultos y ansiedad. Él es también un experto en trabajo médico legal.

Desde que se graduó de la Universidad de Lund en Suecia y completó su formación especializada, ha adquirido una amplia experiencia, realizando trabajo humanitario en Bosnia y Herzegovina y Lituania antes de llegar al Reino Unido.

El enfoque del Dr. Davidsson se basa en la medicina basada en la evidencia, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y preferencias individuales del paciente. Fundamental para su enfoque es el objetivo de devolver a sus pacientes a sus vidas normales lo más rápido posible.

Muy respetado en su campo, ha realizado investigaciones, ha sido publicado extensamente y ha dado conferencias tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

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