All about hybrid breast augmentation

Escrito por: Mr Foued Hamza
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Hybrid breast augmentation, also known as composite breast augmentation, is a cutting-edge procedure that combines the use of breast implants and fat grafting to achieve enhanced breast size, shape, and contour. This innovative technique offers a more natural-looking result by leveraging the benefits of both implants and autologous fat transfer, making it an increasingly popular choice among women seeking breast enhancement.


Here to explain more about the procedure is esteemed consultant plastic and cosmetic surgeon, Mr Foued Hamza.

What is hybrid breast augmentation?

Hybrid breast augmentation involves two key components:


  1. Breast implants: These provide the primary volume and shape to the breasts. Implants can be silicone or saline, and come in various shapes and sizes to suit individual preferences and anatomical considerations.
  2. Fat grafting: This process involves harvesting fat from other areas of the body—such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks—using liposuction. The harvested fat is then purified and injected into specific areas of the breasts to enhance contour, smooth edges, and create a more natural transition between the implant and surrounding breast tissue.


What are the benefits of hybrid breast augmentation?

There are numerous benefits associated with hybrid breast augmentation. They include:


  1. Natural appearance and feel
  2. Customised contouring
  3. Minimised implant visibility


How is the procedure performed?

Hybrid breast augmentation is typically performed under general anaesthesia and involves several steps:


  1. Consultation and planning: During the initial consultation, the surgeon evaluates the patient’s goals, anatomy, and overall health. Detailed measurements and imaging may be taken to plan the optimal implant size and fat grafting areas.
  2. Liposuction: Fat is harvested from predetermined areas of the body using a liposuction technique. This step also provides the added benefit of body contouring.
  3. Implant placement: The breast implants are inserted through small incisions, usually made in the inframammary fold (under the breast), around the areola, or in the armpit.
  4. Fat grafting: The purified fat is meticulously injected into the breasts to enhance contour, smooth transitions, and create a natural appearance.


What can patients expect in terms of recovery and results?

Recovery from hybrid breast augmentation varies among individuals but generally involves a few weeks of downtime. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications and proper post-operative care. Most can resume normal activities within a few weeks, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for about six weeks.


The results of hybrid breast augmentation are typically long-lasting, offering both immediate volume enhancement from the implants and subtle, natural contouring from the fat grafting. With proper care and follow-up, patients can enjoy enhanced breast aesthetics that feel and look natural, boosting their confidence and satisfaction.


If you wish to consult with Mr Foued Hamza today, head on over to his Top Doctors profile. 

Por Mr Foued Hamza
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

Foued Hamza es un cirujano plástico de renombre internacional con sede en Londres . Está clasificado como uno de los mejores cirujanos estéticos de Europa, y se especializa en procedimientos de contorno corporal que incluyen la mejora de glúteos ( levantamiento de glúteos brasileño ), liposucción y cirugía mamaria . Tiene un interés especial en la cirugía corporal y mamaria y el lipofilling .

Es muy apreciado por su profesionalismo, experiencia, dominio de técnicas y talento artístico. Ha desarrollado su propia técnica única de escultura corporal combinando el arte de un escultor de arcilla y sus impresionantes habilidades técnicas. De esta forma, es capaz de lograr resultados hermosos y naturales para sus pacientes, al mismo tiempo que mejora la seguridad y la eficiencia de los procedimientos.

Comenzó a estudiar medicina en Túnez antes de mudarse a París, donde se especializó en cirugía plástica y estética . Durante su estancia en Francia, entre 1988 y 1997, trabajó en los mejores hospitales parisinos , como los hospitales Saint-Louis y Henri-Mondor, y comenzó a hacerse un nombre en toda Europa. Está registrado en el Consejo Médico Francés y miembro de la Junta Francesa de Cirugía Estética y Reconstructiva. Ahora ejerce en el Hospital Welbeck de Londres y es un especialista registrado en el Reino Unido. Participa activamente en seminarios y convenciones internacionales y continúa trabajando para mejorar las técnicas quirúrgicas.

Hamza y su equipo practican en una clínica moderna y especializada en Harley Street, completamente equipada con las últimas tecnologías. El equipo se compromete a proporcionar atención y satisfacción absoluta a cada paciente, ofreciendo técnicas innovadoras, total seguridad, eficiencia y comodidad para garantizar resultados naturales y satisfactorios .

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